
中国东北发现中更新世新人种:龙人 | The Innovation

Xijun Ni 蔻享学术 2021-06-26




石家庄讯:以河北地质大学特聘教授季强博士为首席科学家的国际古人类研究团队宣布,他们于2021年6月25日在《The Innovation》杂志上以封面文章报道了中国东北哈尔滨市发现的中更新世古人类头骨化石的研究成果,正式将该古人类头骨化石命名为人属的一个新人种:龙人(Homo longi),为研究智人起源和人类演化提供了至关重要的证据。

图 | 赵闯 绘


图 | 赵闯 绘



一般来说,古老的人类化石通常都会有一些原始特征,龙人的头骨也不例外。他具有长而低的脑颅,额骨不隆起,顶骨轮廓平缓,眉脊弯曲且异常粗壮。“哈尔滨发现的古人类头骨可以说是巨大的。在我们对比的数据库中,这件古人类头骨的很多测量值都是数一数二大的,脑容量约为1420毫升,完全落入现代人的范围”,来自伦敦自然历史博物馆的古人类学家、团队主研成员Chris Stringer博士这样说,“他有扁平而低矮的面颊骨骼,犬齿窝较浅,面部似乎也缩短了,并且缩到脑颅的下边,这些都是与智人相似的特征”。

哈尔滨发现的古人类头骨十分巨大,非常特别,同时具有原始性状和进步性状的镶嵌演化特征。正因为如此,季强教授和团队的一些成员认为,应该以这件头骨为模式标本命名一个新人种。经再三斟酌,他们将其正式命名为“龙人”(Homo longi)。龙人的名称来源于地理名称“龙江”。


多年来,河北地质大学客座教授、来自中国科学院的团队主研成员倪喜军教授一直致力于建立一个标准化的形态特征矩阵(MorphoBank Project 3385)。这个矩阵包含上千个离散和连续变量的特征,以及一百多个古人类的头骨和下颌化石。来自中国科学院的团队成员生物数学家张驰博士解释说:“基于这个矩阵,我们在超算系统上运行了多个算法程序,检验了数万亿次的分枝结构,找到了数学上最可能的拓扑结构作为反映人属演化的最佳模型。我们还利用数学模型估计了每个分枝事件的时间”。“我们首次把人属中几乎所有的主要分支放在一起分析”,倪喜军教授补充说,“通过把所有的化石作为时间校正点,可以看出人属的多样性分异时间比以前认为的更加古老”。

我们的系统分析结果表明,哈尔滨发现龙人(新人种)以及大荔人、金牛山人、华龙洞人、夏河人等古人类化石同属于一个单独的演化支系,与我们智人有一个共同的祖先。“以往流行的观点认为尼安德特人是智人支系的姊妹群,但是我们的分析表明哈尔滨发现的古人类头骨化石和中国其他地区发现的一些古人类化石组成一个生活于东亚地区的第三支系,这个支系与智人的亲缘关系要比尼安德特人与智人的关系近得多”,Chris Stringer博士说。因此,哈尔滨发现的保存状态极佳的古人类头骨化石为研究人属的演化提供了新的线索。“这件古人类头骨化石的测年时代为中更新世,表明他与智人、尼安德特人以及谜团似的的丹尼索瓦人支系是同期演化的”,Chris Stringer博士补充说。



A new Middle Pleistocene species of Homo found in Northeastern China

Shijiazhuang news: An international paleoanthropological research team organized by the leading scientist, Professor Ji Qiang of Hebei GEO University announced today that on 25 June of 2021, they reported some research results of the Harbin cranium in the cover article of the magazine of "The Innovation", and they officially named the Harbin cranium as a new Homo species: Homo longi,   providing a crucial evidence for the study on the origin and evolution of Homo sapiens.

Hundreds of thousand years ago, several human species coexisted in Asia, Europe and Africa. In China, a few archaic human fossils such as those from Dali, Jinniushan and Hualongdong show a mosaic combination of primitive and derive features. There has long been fierce debate about whether these archaic fossils belong to different species of human, might be transitional forms between Homo erectus and H. sapiens, or might actually represent primitive forms of our own species H. sapiens.

In 2018, Professor Ji Qiang and others reported an almost complete archaic human cranium from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Northeastern China in the magazine of "Journal of Geology". This well-preserved cranium fossil provides the critical evidence for understanding the evolution of humans and the origin of our species. The cranium was reportedly found in 1933 when a bridge was built over the Songhuajiang River in Harbin City. Because of its unsystematic recovery at that time and the long time interval, the information about the exact fossil site and fossil-bearing layer was lost.

The research team used sophisticated geochemical analyses, including rare earth elements, strontium isotopic ratios and X-ray fluorescence, and direct Uranium series dating on the Harbin cranium. "Although it is impossible to pin the cranium to an exact location with currently available technology, all the evidence suggests that it was from a bed of lacustrine sediments aged between 138 and 309 thousand years ago in the Harbin region", said geochemist and team member Dr. Junyi Ge from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). "We are quite confident now that the fossil cranium is older than 146 thousand years." added by a geochemist and team member Dr. Qingfeng Shao from Nanjing Normal University. "the Harbin cranium was not transported far away. The fossil site might be found within 15km to the west of Harbin City, where a set of Middle Pleistocene strata are exposed: the Upper Huangshan Formation." said by Professor Ji Qiang of Hebei GEO University.

A human fossil with such an age always shows some primitive features, as does the Harbin cranium (Homo longi). It has a long and low braincase with a recending frontal and evenly curved parietal contour, and a curved and massively developed brow ridge. "The Harbin cranium is huge, showing either the largest or second largest values for many measurements in our comparative fossil database, and its brain size at 1420 ml matches that of modern humans." said Dr. Chris Stringer, a palaeoanthropologist and team member from the Natural History Museum in London, "It also shows other features resembling our species. It has flat and low cheekbones with a shallow canine fossa, and the face looks reduced and tucked under the brain -case."

Being massive in size and presenting both primitive and derived features make the Harbin cranium quite distinct. It is so distinct that Professor Ji Qiang and his colleagues have even suggested naming the Harbin cranium as a new species of the genus Homo. They have called it "Dragon Man" (Homo longi). The name is derived from the geographic name, Long Jiang or Dragon River, for the Heilongjiang Province.

Palaeoanthropologists usually compare morphological features one by one, or use landmark-based statistical analyses to evaluate overall similarities among compared human fossils. Professor Ji Qiang and his colleagues, however, decided to apply phylogenetic analyses in the research. Phylogenetic analyses are widely used in evolutionary biology and include a set of mathematical techniques to establish branching diagrams to represent the evolutionary history or relationship between different species or organisms that have developed from a common ancestor.

Over many years, Professor Ni Xijun from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Hebei GEO University has been working on a standardized morphological data matrix (Morphobank Project 3385). This data matrix examine hundreds of discrete and continuous characters across more than a hundred fossil human crania and mandibles. "Based on this data matrix, we ran a set of mathematical algorithms on a super computing system, examined thousands of billion branching arrangements, and found the most mathematically likely tree topology that represents the best model for evolutionary processes in the genus Homo. We can also estimate the time of each branching event", said Dr. Zhang Chi, a biomathematician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "For the first time, we put almost all the major divergent clades of the Homo genus in the same analysis", Professor Ni Xijun added, "By taking all the fossils as calibration points, it is likely that the diversification of the genus Homo may have had a much deeper time scale than previously presumed".

The comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of the research team reveal that the Harbin cranium and some other Eastern Asian archaic human fossils, such as Dali, Jinniushan, Hualongdong and Xiahe jawbonefrom the tibetan plateau, belong to an evolutionary clade that shares the same last ancestor with Homo sapiens, our own species. "It is widely believed that the Neanderthals from the sister group of the H. sapiens lineage. But our analyses suggest that the Harbin cranium and some other Middle Pleistocene human fossils from China form a third East Asian lineage, which is actually closer to H. sapiens than the Neanderthals are", said Dr. Chris Stringer. Thus, the excellent preservation of the Harbin cranium throws new light on the evolution of the genus Homo. "Its estimated Middle Pleistocene age places it as an Asian contemporary of the evolving H. sapiens, H. neanderthalensis and possibly the enigmatic Denisovan lineage" added Dr. Chris Stringer.

The identification of the Harbin cranium as a representative of a new human lineage contemporary with Neanderthals, the Denisovans and H. sapiens does not support local continuity model for the origin of H. sapiens, since this lineage has its own combination of features rather than ones that were leading to modern humans. The research team also tested 18 biogeographic models across the fossil-calibrated phylogenetic tree of the genus Homo. Instead of a unidirectional "out of Africa" model, we found that a multi-directional "shuttle dispersal model" is more likely to explain the complex phylogenetic connections among African and Eurasian Homo species/populations. "Hundreds of thousand years ago multiple Homo lineages probably had a strong capability for dispersing across long distances, although they remained in relatively small and isolated populations", Professor Ni Xijun postulated, "Compareed to Africa and Europe, Asia probably acted like a sink of Homo species/populations that received more dispersals from Africa and Europe than it gave dispersals to Africa and Europe. Diverse palaeoenvironments in Asia, ranging from the Gobi Desert to rainforest, and from costal plains to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, probably produced a varied biogeographic sink for human evolution." "The evolution model of humans is obviously different from that of other organisms. The human species became fewer and fewer, but the populations became larger and larger. As a result, only one human species lives on the earth today, which is Homo sapiens." said Professor Ji Qiang. "The discovery of Homo longi has made a good start for us. I am looking forward to hunting for new human fossils, especially the common ancestor of Homo longi and Homo sapiens in East Asia, and even more in China, so as to promote the international research on the origin of Homo sapiens."



1932年2月,日本军队完全占领了中国北方冰城—哈尔滨,强征大批的青壮年中国人当劳工,为他们修建军事工事、铁路和桥梁。他爷爷当时不满18岁,是个认识几个字的地道农民,也被拉去当了兵,专门为日本军队看管劳工。当时日本人想在哈尔滨市松花江上修建一座桥梁,也就是现在的东江桥,他爷爷被派往那里看管劳工。1933年4月的一天,一名劳工在修建桥墩时挖出了一颗“人头”,但看上去有些古怪,与他们以往看过的人头不一样,就把这颗“人头”交给了他爷爷。他爷爷推测这可能是个宝贝,因为几年前他曾听说过北京发现古人头的事。西方的洋人都知道那事,这东西可能很值钱。他没有将这事告诉日本人,而是偷偷地将这颗“人头”带回家中,包裹好后丢进了院子里的水井中,连夜用土将水井填埋。1949年以后,由于他曾当过日本军队的“兵”,就回到老家继续当农民。在以后的几十年中,他每天早出晚归在田里干活,对那颗“人头”的事只字不提。他没有敢将此事告诉任何人,甚至也没有勇气将此事告诉他儿子。一天,他感得身体十分难受,知道自己不行了,就将儿子和孙子叫到病榻前,临终前把那颗“人头”的事和埋藏“人头”的水井位置告诉了他们,遗憾的是并没有将发现那颗 “人头”的准确地点告诉他们。

 2018年7月,季强教授和黑龙江省的地质学家实地考察了哈尔滨市东江桥地区,初步认为1933年发现的古人类头骨化石应该产自松花江的河沙沉积物中。经河北地质大学季强教授和中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所倪喜军研究员的初步鉴定,那颗“人头”应是似海德堡人古人类头颅化石,推测其时代距今约40万年—20万年,在生物学、古人类学、历史学、人类发展史等研究中具有重要的科学价值。经过两年多的研究,季强等人于2021年6月25日在《The Innovation》杂志上以封面文章报道了中国东北哈尔滨市发现的中更新世古人类头骨化石的研究成果,正式将该古人类头骨化石命名为人属的一个新人种:龙人(Homo longi),为研究智人起源和人类演化提供了至关重要的证据。 



季 强

季强,博士,联邦德国洪堡学者,毕业于南京大学地质系地层古生物专业;现为河北地质大学特聘教授,中国地质科学院地质研究所二级研究员,博士生导师,国家古生物化石专家委员会副主任,亚洲恐龙协会副理事长兼秘书长,常州中华恐龙园终生馆长;曾任中国古生物学会副理事长,第一届总理基金获得者,国家有突出贡献青年科学家,国务院津贴获得者,国家‘百千万跨世纪人才’入选者,第八届‘李四光地质科学奖’获得者。自1995年以来,季强教授先后负责和参加国家科学技术部、国家国土资源部、国家自然科学基金委员会、中国地质调查局、美国国家地理基金会等科研项目,首次发现以中华龙鸟为代表的长羽毛恐龙和原始鸟类化石,证明鸟类是由小型肉食性恐龙演化而来,圆满解决了国际科学界150年未能解决的鸟类起源问题;发现了世界上最古老的有胎盘类和有袋类哺乳动物化石,提出‘东亚地区起源中心’的假说;发现了中华古果、始花古果等原始被子植物化石,推动了国际被子植物起源研究。季强教授先后在国内外科学刊物上发表论文200余篇,其中在《NATURE》和《SCIENCE》杂志上发表27篇论文,出版专著7部,曾获原地质矿产部科技成果奖二等奖2项,三等奖2项;原国土资源部科技成果奖一等奖1项;教育部科技成果奖一等奖1项;北京市科技进步奖一等奖1项。季强教授刻苦钻研,学风严谨,洞察力敏锐,创新意识强,作风干练潇洒,不拘泥于学派与门户之见,敢于讲真话,被同行称为中国‘龙鸟之父’、中国‘二代龙王’、‘东方之子’ 和中国古生物界的‘跨界游侠’。



The Innovation 是一本由青年科学家与Cell Press于2020年共同创办的综合性英文学术期刊:向科学界展示鼓舞人心的跨学科发现,鼓励研究人员专注于科学的本质和自由探索的初心。往期作者(Volume 1 Issue 1 -- Volume 2 Issue 1)来自全球24个国家;每期1/3-1/4通讯作者来自海外。目前有183位编委会成员,来自21个国家;51%编委来自海外;包含1位诺贝尔奖获得者,26位各国院士;领域覆盖全部自然科学。The Innovation已被DOAJ,ADS,Scopus等数据库收录。









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